ShapeScript includes a number of example files that demonstrate various features. You can find these under the Help > Examples
The Ball example demonstrates how to use the stencil command to “paint” patterns on a sphere, as well as a for loop to generate a star shape that is then extruded.
The Chessboard example demonstrates the use of for loops to duplicate shapes, along with paths, lathe builders and CSG operations.
The Cog example demonstrates procedural generation of a complex path using a for loop, as well as the creation of a custom block and the use of the option command to pass parameters.
The Earth example demonstrates use of the texture command to turn a simple sphere into a model of the globe.
The Icosahedron demonstrates the use of the mesh command along with structured data and custom functions to create a complex shape that cannot easily be derived from the built-in primitives.
The Spirals example demonstrates using the extrude command to create a spiral. This example also demonstrates the use of for loops and user-defined options.
The Spring example demonstrates how to use the loft command and a for loop to create a coiled spring shape.
The Train demonstrates a combination of modeling techniques, including using the rnd command to generate pseudo-random coal.