

ShapeScript’s size ands scale commands let you control the relative size of a shape, but sometimes it’s useful to know the exact dimensions.

A cube of size 1 has an easily-predicted size of one world unit square, but what about a more complex shape, such as a 5-pointed star (see the procedural paths and blocks sections for details):

define star path {
    for 1 to 5 {
        point 0 -0.5
        rotate 1 / 5
        point 0 -1
        rotate 1 / 5
    point 0 -0.5

// draw star
extrude {
    color red

// draw cube
cube {
    color green 0.5

Star with unit cube

We can see that the star is larger than the unit cube, but other than trial-and-error or complex math, how can we get the exact size? This is where the bounds member property comes in.

Mesh Bounds

Paths and meshes both expose a bounds property that represents a bounding box around the shape. From this you can get the exact size and position needed to place a box around the star:

define star {

// define star shape
define shape extrude {
    color red

// draw star

// draw box around star
cube {
    color green 0.5
    size shape.bounds.size

Star with fitted cube

Path Bounds

In the example above we computed the bounds of a solid mesh (an extruded star-shaped path) but you can also get the bounds of a path directly. The following code draws the star path inside its bounding rectangle:

define star {

// draw star

// draw rectangle around star
square {
    size shape.bounds.size   

Star with fitted rectangle

Bounds Members

The bounds member property has the following sub-properties that you can use:

So, for example, to get the height of a shape, you could use:

print someShape.bounds.size.height

or just:

print someShape.bounds.height

And to get the X coordinate of its rightmost edge you could use:

print someShape.bounds.max.x

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