

A symbol is a named value (sometimes referred to as a constant) that can be used in place of a literal value.

ShapeScript includes several built-in symbols such as detail (the current level of detail), or pi (the mathematical constant used to compute angles), but you can also define your own symbols using the define command:

define sides 5
define red 1 0 0

Symbol names consist of a letter followed by zero or more letters, numbers or underscore (_) characters. Symbols cannot begin with a number or underscore, and spaces or other punctuation are not allowed. Symbols are case-sensitive, and by convention should begin with a lowercase letter. For multi-word symbols, the recommended convention is to capitalize the first letter of each new word (known as camelCase because the capital letters form “humps” in the back of the word):

define numberOfSides 7

The value assigned to a symbol can be a literal or an expression. Once defined, a symbol can be used anywhere in place of a literal value, such as inside an expression, or as a command or function parameter. Symbols can also be used in the definition of other symbols:

define three 3
define two 2
define five three + two

Symbols help to make your ShapeScript file more readable by assigning meaningful names to otherwise inscrutable literal values. They also make the script easier to modify and maintain by avoiding duplication of literal values throughout the code.

Existing symbols can be redefined by calling define again with the same name. If a symbol is defined inside a { ... } block then it will be scoped to the code inside that block (meaning that it cannot be used after the closing }):

for i in 1 to 5 {
    define foo i // define symbol foo with the current loop index value
// foo is undefined here

Symbols can be shadowed, meaning that a symbol defined in an outer scope can be redefined inside an inner scope, but the symbol will revert to its original definition when the scope ends. It is currently only possible to create constants, you cannot create variables (symbols whose value can be changed later):

define foo 1
for i in 1 to 5 {
    define foo i // redefine foo with the current loop index value
// foo reverts to original value of 1 after loop terminates

Note: Because of this scoping, it’s not possible to conditionally define a value inside an if statement and use it outside the if. For the correct way to do this, see conditional defines.

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